Clean Energy and its Solutions to the Ever Demanding World- Introducing: Solarcorp’s monitoring App
Earlier today, waking up to the news of impending electricity subsidy removal is something I couldn’t bring myself to comprehend at first. The masses are already paying enough for the services been offered and are even complaining about excess charges, meanwhile, some areas aren’t even given the opportunity to enjoy electricity. The guest on the show, an energy lawyer made a standpoint on the issue by arguing that subsidy can’t be forever and the masses would have to, at a point take full responsibility for the electricity services they are enjoying. What this insinuates is that the prices of electricity from the national grid will increase over the current one.
To combat this electricity issue, most countries are already exploring other sources while others have tapped into the renewable sector with the advantage of both cheap and clean energy source. Clean energy from wind, biomass, hydro, natural gas, solar etc are being explored to support the energy from the grid and transit into clean energy which will be of benefit to the environment. In the past, Solar used to be a ‘no go area’ due to high cost and the doubt of its efficiency but recently, technology advancement has caused prices to stable enabling more companies and even the government to get involved in the solar business.
As a company, one of our business core value is technology and Innovation; this is at the heart of everything we do, we seek better ways to solving our customer’s challenges and constantly improving on our offerings. Asides from recreating freedom of experience for users, we strive in creating Innovations to make life easier and our services better. Our vision is to to see an African continent where clean energy is easily accessible and affordable for everyone and every segment, which will in turn influence better living and working conditions and a more stable economy. To this cause, our team came up with a monitoring app that will enable users carry out transactions at their convenience, this includes; monitoring the units of electricity used, funding of wallets to buy electricity units, fault detection in the system and so on. It’s still a long way to go, but gradually, we are connecting our users with the ‘easy world’.
To know more about our app and what we do as a company, kindly visit our social media handles, Solarcorp on facebook and Linkedin, on instagram. You can click in the link below to download our app;
Reference: Channels Tv Station, Lagos Nigeria